CpjJwWHV's Interview
1576 unique views

Package: 6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

written has 3 sections. 1.apti 2.tech 3.code for a programme they will give 1 hr for all the sections together. Aptitude
section has basic concepts. Technical section also contains simple and basic qns only. this year programme is 3*3 matrix
multiplication. We have to write code for this.

Technical Interview

There is only one personal interview for everything. they will mainly concentrating on ur speed in doing simple maths by
asking qns like 8^4(8 power 4), 100^4, 6^4 etc and they will ask about projects which u have mentioned in ur biodata. we
should be perfect abt the projects. and as IVY being a game developing company, they will give u a game and they will ask
u to suggest the classes and methods which are required to develop that game. they wont ask us any technical qns
especially but they will take us to some OOPs concepts through their qns.


especially one should be fast in calculations, perfect in their projects, perfect in OOPs concepts, they will see the CGPA or
%s whatever during the whole education. if there is any sudden chenage then they will raise a qn regarding why less/why
high? thatsall........

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