CpjJwWHV's Interview
722 unique views

Company: Essar shipping
Package: 5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

they shortlisted 26 candidates after the very first round of online written test.

Pattern of Group Discussion

They selected 0nly 10 guys out of these 26 in GD. topic for the GD was : Alternative energy resources and there need .

Technical Interview

they asked 10 technical questions in a row first.
they started with
Tell abt your preference. i answered drilling, then they started to ask there technical round:
1. tell about infill drilling
2. bit size for 12" hole
3. conversion factor for
4. why heavy weight drill pipe is used in drilling although we have drill collars.

HR Interview

hr questions:
1. tell about yourself
2. you seems to be a stubborn prove that you r not if u want to get selected.
3. why in cairn energy u got rejected last night.


no of unsuccessful attempt: 01, for CAIRN ENERGY.
I only want to tell that never think negative about yourself if you get rejected in any interview. Perform as well as you can. Dont change your style just becoz of one damn failuree. Reason is simple that u also dont understand why u have got selected today although ur performance was better on the day u got rejected.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

about 45 students had applied for that as it was the only third company for our petroleum branch.

out of these 45 only 4 got selected.

my rank was 2nd among the applicants.

1. before going to it i always thought that i would be lucky in both cases either gets selected or rejected, as there was a no of companies better than this still to come
so i was never under pressure
2. GPA was in support of mine as i was 2nd among applicants.
3. I also had a good project along with me which i have done during summer internship at GSPCL.

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