CpjJwWHV's Interview
757 unique views

Company: NetApp
Package: 7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

there were four sections>>> 1. quantitative involving maths 2. give the output type c questions 3.data structures n classes
etc 4.basic system knowledge.

Technical Interview

there were 2 technical interviews in the first interview the interviewer asked me my subjects and asked me varied questions
on all the subjects i ever studies and some questions on scripting also. in the second interview i was asked some puzzles
and loads of questions on intricate knowledge of data structures and c , c++.

HR Interview

hr was a cakewalk the interviewer just asked me why they should recruit me and other such questions and we had a
discussion on combat planes etc.


be thorough with c, c++ data structures and general aptitude. practise loads of papers on the above topics. yashwanth
kanithkar is a good book :)

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

it was my first interview and net app doesn't take people from electrical and it had first opened only for cse and ece so i
was treating it as an experience only without expectations and i guess that helped in my confidence level. All
intewrviewers were very nice and even if i said something wrong they were not condesending, on the contrary helped me
get to the answer.

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