CpjJwWHV's Interview
1070 unique views

Company: NetApp
Package: 7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

It consisted of quant & technical sections of which the first one was on number theory and some calculations. the later was
composed of 3 subsections:C,DS,systems. in C section some codes were given and asked the output mostly they were
recursive ,pointers,malloc stuff. in DS stacks,binary trees,sorting & searching,graphs(DFS,MST) it was fundoo.the last
section was on compilers,CAO,OS which was tough.totally the test was of good quality & I thought I couldnt crack it.

Technical Interview

First Round: 1.write a c function for strstr? 2.what are the phases of compilation? 3.what happens when we read from a
NULL pointer? 4.some stuff on segmentation 5.explain system stack? 6.he gave me a recursive function and asked the
output Second round: 1.write the nonrecursive version of inorder traversal of a binary tree?what are the pros and cons?
2.what is an ISR 3.explain CSMA/CD protocol? 4.how would you program for memory fragmentation?and improvements
on it in terms of time & space 5.how do u find a cycle in a singly linked list?what are the best & worst case complexities in
terms of the lengths of linear and the circular portion & when do they occur(this is the difficult portion of it) 6.write c code
for counting the number of bits set in a number & improvements on its time complexity? 7.what is TCP/UDP ? explain the
differences & their aplications? 8.a 5*5 square is divided into 25 equal squares and are shuffled.write a c program to
rearrange them to get the original square? 9.6 men on one side of a river how to transfer them to the other side in minimum
possible time? 10.how many tries r required to find the floor in a 100 storied building with 2 eggs?

HR Interview

1.Tell me a question which I should ask you(how generous!) 2.why should we hire you (this is the answer of first
question!!) 3.how do u cope up with your team? 4.Are you confident of getting into Net App 5.Will you be disappointed if
u r not selected(???!!!!!!) 6.would you relocate to Bangalore if u get into the company? do u have any queries? 1.what
would be my position in your company hierarchy? 2.how would you evaluate my performance?


Regardless of which company you are aiming for,C,DS,OS are a must .you have to be very strong as these are the basics
for a CSE student and ther are some companies which ask only algorithms and others cover all the CSE subjects.Coming to
the interviews stay cool & think aloud so that if u misunderstood the problem ,he will help u out. All the best c u in NEt

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Initially I was disappointed as I couldnt get through some of the companies which I expected,I would get through and
finally I went for Net App and I was impressed a lot attending the PPT,and their area of work is on Data sotrage which
involves OS,CO stuff in which Im interested in.So I felt I chose the right company & luckily(perhaps) I was selected.

CpjJwWHV    hi ..I am currently working in Samsung, Noida.(2010 CSE NIT jamshedpur).I want to apply to NetApp.Could you please help me out(sudhansu.nitjsr@gmail.com) and let me know abt any open positions..Thanks in advance.. :)
Friday, January 14, 2011, 10:05 pm

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