CpjJwWHV's Interview
1180 unique views

Company: NetApp
Package: 7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

The total time for written test was 90 mins. There was no as such time for aptitude and technical. It had four sections as mentioned below. Aptitude:It Consisted of 15 general aptitude questions. It is part of every aptitude test.So be prepared and don't neglect it as it forms a valuable part of your selection process.
C / C : It contained 15 questions on C/C
basics. There were mostly debugging questions and questions checking your programming fundamentals.
Data Structures and Algorithms: This section constituted 20 questions checking your basics in Data Structures and Algorithms.The question were simple and anyone who is comfortable with DS can answer them.
System Engineering: The section had 10 questions based on operating systems, Networking and Systems Programming.This section was a little tough. The questions were basic but it required a thorough study of the subjects.

Technical Interview

There were two rounds of technical interview. There were elimination after the first technical interview. During the first
technical interview, the interviewer started with asking OS questions and a couple of algorithms. The last part in the
written test did not went well for me. So he kept on asking questions related to OS although I told my favourite subject as
DS. The second interview was more of a alround testing of the candidate. The questions were asked from every subject
that I had from second year to the final year. just the basic questions related to Networking, Databases and Software

HR Interview

The HR interview is all about presenting yourself as a confident and passionate person. They ask for your hobbies and
interests and like to see how deeply you are involved in thing which you do. So make a hobby or develop interests and be
sure that you know every thing regarding that. They will ask about your future plans. So be calm and pass the question
casually and don't reveal your plans.


There is only one thing to say. Select any two subjects as your strong ones preferably Operating systems and Data
Structures. The knowledge of Databases is also needed. You can crack any interview in Software. Practice aptitude and
don't neglect it otherwise you will not get the opportunity to show your skills. Be passionate about whatever you do.
Improve your problem solving skills which comes by solving more and more problems. And above all work hard. ALL
THE BEST for your future.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was a good experience during the selection process. The test was good. It was not really tough but yet you have to know
the basics to attempt the paper.The interviews also went along very well. I answered most of the questions. Overall it was a
great experience.

CpjJwWHV    hi ..I am currently working in Samsung, Noida.(2010 CSE NIT jamshedpur).I want to apply to NetApp.Could you please help me out(sudhansu.nitjsr@gmail.com) and let me know abt any open positions..Thanks in advance.. :)
Friday, January 14, 2011, 10:04 pm

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