CpjJwWHV's Interview
2123 unique views

Package: 6.56 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test


Pattern of Group Discussion

Group discussion was held on the topic "Is group discussion the correct criteria for the selection procedure of students at campus placement"

Pattern of Telephonic Interview


GPA criteria


Technical Interview

1.)What do you know about multi gravity separator.

2.) What is the difference between a multi gravity separator and a dense media cyclone.

3.) Where have you done your recent training.

4.) Details about Kirandul processing plant of Essar steel (where i did my 3rd year summer intern).

5.) In depth questions from my project at Essar steel's vishakhaptnam facility.

6.) What is your techno-economic conclusion from the project.

HR Interview

1.) So ashish, tell us something about yourself.


1.) Appeared in an interview of Tata Steel for summer internship.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Group Discussion, Personal Interview
19 students from mineral engg. applied and 2 got selected. My rank was 9th amongst the applicants.

My gpa wasn't so good as compared to the other applicants. My past achievements in organising Srijan '09 as the Coordinator helped me in the first question. In the technical part, my project played a vital role, which I presented with confidence and thankfully got selected in the end.

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