CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: CGI
Package: 3.25 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

the pattern of the writtern test consist of aptitude, logical reasoning, verbal ability and technical question all of them have equal number of question.
Aptitude,L.R, verbal parts is v.easy
but in technical parts most of the questions are conceptual...

GPA criteria

70% in over all academics

Technical Interview

there is two round of interview in which both technical and H.R questions were asked
Technical questions are:-
1)Write a program to compute the permutation by calling a function
2) what is avl tree
3)What are semaphores?
4)What is polymorphism?
5)some function has been given in infix pattern , and said to convert into postfix pattern?
6)write a program to perform a XOR operation on the bits
7)Why only X-rays are used in medical image segmentation.
8)what is robin round scheduling?
and much more i dint remember...

HR Interview

1) Tell me something about yourself
2)do you drink? i said yes.
3)which is the best pub in kolkata? i said i like Green Valley coz i like the environment of that pub
4)why do u want to join this company?
after that some questions on my life has been asked.
actually they are v.friendly while talking, but very experienced so never lied infront of him.


Have the full knowledge of C, C++ and do programming well.
maintaining a 70% in academics is not a big deal but knowledge of some core subjects is must(programming) and basic fundamental....

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

i dint remember exactly how many peoples applied for the job it is arond 300 but finally 50 students are selected
only confidence and luck...all the students have the same knowledge but can't speak infront of HR, so my confidence is only my luck

CpjJwWHV   bhai syntel ka naya test pattern kya hai????
reply fast
Tuesday, January 11, 2011, 4:51 pm

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