CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Whirlpool
Package: 4.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes
Technical : 30 Minutes

Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
There were a total of 54 questions
25 questions aptitude+verbal+data interpretation
25 technical
4 puzzles
Test was of high quality especially technical test and no wonder it is the only test for technical skills.

No need to panic.just follow your instinct.Do smart work.
The panel was so much particular about the selection that they even checked the rough work done by the students who are above the cut off.Thank god i have CAT coaching. Separate cut off for both technical and apti.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Time Given : 30 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
Out of test 10 members were shortlisted and we were asked to attend GD after 45 min after having lunch.One more thing to remember never be late from here on. We saw one of our friends being denied a chance to attend the GD becoz he was late.None of us felt bad and why would we after all it improves our probability of getting the job.

Nice trick for GD : Don't start the topic unless you are confident of what you are saying.Be silent and gather your thoughts and frame a sentence(those who are little weak in vocabulary).Grab the chance and shoot and repeat the process.You may get 2 or 3 chances but these are chances that matters.Well I have 100% conversion in GD's 4 out of 4

Our discussion did not start that well. One of my friend forgot to take breath while talking because if he paused for one second somebody might grab his chance(Even after he ran out of points). I talked only when one my friends said,"Let our friend get a chance" and only talked twice.It may not be your case you have to grab the chances sometimes just do it.

Remember one thing "QUALITY matters not the QUANTITY"
its WHAT you talked not how much talked.
Be Confident. No Need of Extra Vocabulary just a common sense. ALL THE BEST.

HR Interview

Out of 10 only 4 members were Qualified for interview. I was the only 6 pointer in them. and moreover I was the first to be called to interview. I was pretty sure that my chances were very slim.

I had already done my home work and read about all the latest trends in refrigerants and their nomenclature

The interview started with customary "Tell me about yourself"
Then came "Why your CG is low" I blamed schooling systems and high quality of NITians.(Though he was not satisfied)
He asked me for any innovative ideas i said about installing RO purifier in refrigerator(Now he is impressed)

then came some puzzles 1.Make 32 with two 2's
2.Make number between 3 and 4 using 3 sticks (Ans : p)
3.What is the distance between opposite corners of cube.

Tell us about a situation where you suggested one thing and rest all the others opposed you
If we consider your CGPA you can leave. counter argue
You are from rural background how can you survive in Metros
Why WHIRLPOOL?Higher studies??


Dear Mechies,
second year subject are the most important especially one FMHM(V.N.K.R) & MS (M.S) are too much.Also ME we lost many steel companies because our batch is not strong in only that subject.

Be confident and Be thorough with Thermodynamics,HMT,etc.....
Do smart work 3 months after 3-2 are very crucial.Those are the months that changed my view of mechanical Engineering.
Make a Database of questions asked for all the shortlisted candidates and by the time 4 or 5 companies visited.you will have an idea of questions on almost all the topics in Mechanical Engg.

High CG holders(above 7 in our batch but you never know what your situation might be) have always the edge.But the 6 pointers don't worry.Keep your efforts and believe in yourself.


No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Overall it was a fun experience of course half of the class are already placed.They wanted some more people to attend the selection process.So we asked some of the job holders to attend the exam(This is not going to be problem for you guys...;)).Whirpool is great company to work at and with very good work culture.They will send to foreign for experience.They will fund your higher studies if you perform well(based on oral confirmation).I think half of the students got interested after PPT.If you want some excellent work.This is not a company where you need ID card for entry. But every one knows you and recognizes you.You will have freedom here.


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