CpjJwWHV's Interview
2678 unique views

Package: 8.3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Reasoning / Analytical : 5 Minutes
Technical : 30 Minutes

1st written exam -
5 min. 30 questions.
Based on calculations. eg. - 33*42/14 + 332/6

2nd written exam -
30 min. 30 questions.
D.I and Maths C.A.T type questions.

Technical Interview

You have to point out any field in which you have interest and complement your claim by showing that you have done some kind of training or certification related to it. then they will grill you on it.

I chose finance and more specifically financial markets.
The questions asked were:
1. The previous days BSE and NSE index
2. What is the true purpose of a stock market?
3. what are the products traded in NSE?
4. What is inflation? What are the ways to fight against inflation?
5. Explain derivatives
6. When would a person holding long in futures make profit?
7. Explain interest rate derivatives
8. What is the underlying instrument of Indian interest rate derivative products?
9. How are interest rates and bond prices related?
10. Prices of which commodities in the globe would rise in the coming few months?
11. Reasons for the last financial crisis.
12. Any prior investment experience.

HR Interview

In this round the interviewer will pick out the not so good points of your resume and keep on asking you questions pertaining to it.

Here he just wants to see if you can handle stress and yet think fast, your risk taking appetite, dedication and motivation for working in this field.

Unlike other HR interviews here one has to give importance to this round too.


Last moment preparation is of no use for this company.
If you have it in you then you will surely make it.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Both the aptitude tests were of good standard.

Both the interviews were 30min to 40 min. long. Every sentence you say will be scrutinized, also every claim in your resume will be looked into.

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