CpjJwWHV's Interview
4093 unique views

Package: 4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 60 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Most of the questions were based on very basic c and c++ concepts and there are some questions for which we need to give the output of the given c/c++ program......

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : movies reflects society or society reflects movies
Time Given : 20 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
After the aptitude test they shortlisted 12 people for GD......
The fellow who organized the GD was very cool....the whole gd process was good and we were given a good opportunity to express our views.

Technical Interview

Technical and HR interviews were conducted for all the 12 candidates...and good thing is they didn't eliminate any one after GD.
questions are based on c++ oops concepts..like
1)what is virtual function? why do u need them? advantage?
2)what is pure virtual function? difference between interface and abstract class?
3)virtual constructors and virtual destructors?( we declare constructor as virtualbut we can hav virtual destructor....
he asked about my fav programming language..i told c++.Then he asked why not Java? and advantages of java over c++.
And finally i was asked one puzzle....i really didnt undestad the puzzle when i was asked and he tried to expalin me using one example and then he asked me to give a best solution to proble....In this question he didnt expect me to give complete solution but they just want check your approach.

HR Interview

all rotten questions like ....tell me about urself ...where will find urself after 5 years....why UNISYS?
The HR guy was very cool unlike other company HRs.
He asked me to tell about whole process of selection(like feedback about ..how the selction process? ) .
What changes you saw in your B.Tech life compared to inermediate(+2)?
And i was offered to ask any questions about UNISYS...? i asked them about kind of work we do after joing unisys ?i does unisys hav its own OS?


As this is a normal company ,they dont expect very good programming skills or any big algorithms from candidates...
They will check the basic understanding of c and c++....especially OOPs concept.So be thorough with c++ OOPs concepts and some basic knowledge about OS,DS,Networks is essential.
Be patient and wait for your turn to come.Give your answers confidently.
All the best.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The whole selection process was good and fast.They told us that the list of selected candidates will be annoced in one week.but first they selected 3 candidates and 4 in kind of waiting list.From that 4 they selected 2 people....I was one
of them(result given after 3 days)

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