CpjJwWHV's Interview
2804 unique views

Package: 5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 120 Minutes
Technical : 90 Minutes

Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Written test was conducted by eLitmus team and of two hours.They took both aptitude test as well as technical test.Technical test paper was selected by Tally team. Aptitude test contains 3 sections Quantitative aptitude, Logical reasoning and Verbal English , each section contains 20 questions.Negative marking was also there in aptitude test.
And there was no time limit for each section.

Quantitative aptitude questions were too much typical. It included questions from time and distance, time and work, probability, area surface and volume etc.
Logical questions include 3 puzzles, 8 qus. were of DSDI and 3 questions were of cryptarithmatics.
last english section contains 3 paragraphs each with 4 questions and some articles and prepositions total 20 questions.

Technical paper was too easy.It contains 25 questions. It also contains some general aptitude questions like clocks, time and work, trains, pipes and cisterns etc total 7-8 questions.than 4-5 qus was of c language and 2-3 qus was of c++.
From DBMS they ask the structure of select statement,then they gave one table and ask to normalize it and 2 queries from Inner and Outer joins.They asked 4-5 questions from DS like application of recursion, postfix and prefix conversions and from BST write the inorder , preorder and postorder traversal.and finally they gave 3 code to write one was reverse the linklist , 2nd was reverse the string in o(n) time complexity and lastly they ask to generate a series in doubly linked list.

CpjJwWHV   heyyyyyyyy mayank plz upload here the latest question pattern.my exam is on 2nd may at kolkata
Sunday, April 29, 2012, 11:58 pm
CpjJwWHV   my emailid is opak007@gmail.com.u can mail there also.plzzz yaar
Monday, April 30, 2012, 12:01 am

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Pattern of Group Discussion

No group task was conducted by them.

Technical Interview

For the interview process they called at Banglore.There they conducted three rounds.1st round was technical, 2nd round was general IQ test(45 minute online test) and last round was HR + Technical.They were concentrating more on the Technical aspects.
In the 1st round they asked me my area of interest then I told C,C++ and DS.They asked Questions from these topics only.
They started by definition of DS, what is the difference b/w array and linked list and advantage of linked list.Give the difference b/w int * const p and int const * p.diff b/w new and new[] and delete and delete[],output of printf("%d",-1<<4);.then they gave one code "To check whether the linked list is circular or not". how to achieve dynamic allocation in C.give the difference b/w malloc, calloc and realloc.what is new and delete keywords.can we overload it how? etc.Then they told me to write the code for the Doubly Linked List(same question asked in technical paper)and give some aptitude questions to solve there only.and finally they ask me to write one more code based on linked list applications.
The second round was General IQ test contains 5 sections each of 9 minutes.They want to check how accurately and fast we are able to solve the questions.Questions were very easy like Ram is Stronger then shyam then who is week?good bad sleep now find the odd one out.you have 3 numbers 3 7 10 smallest is 3 and largest is three diff from 7 for both the numbers are 4 and 3 respectively then the answer for the question is 3.like this they include 5 sections.

HR Interview

Then in the last round they asked some HR questions and also Technical Questions.This interview was of nearly 2 hours.
firstly they asked to find the error in the given code -
char *p="Tally";
We have client and server then give three solutions in which server can identify that the message from the client has been completely send.
Then from DBMS they gave infromation about Doctor,Nurse and patients and ask me to form the tables and then gave some queries based on that tables.
Then they ask some general HR questions like what is your native place , why You choose this field, Why did you take NIT, How many entrance exams you gave for MCA ,What do you know about Tally company etc.
and finally they told me to write the entire DS used in any text editor(they spend nearly 1 hour on this question)

CpjJwWHV   the last question i didn't understand how to answer.plzz explain the answer
Monday, April 30, 2012, 12:09 am

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Concentrate more on C, C++ concepts, Data Structures, DBMS and SQL queries.They are looking for technical aspects only.
Best of Luck

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

my first round was not very good because of less confidence but they asked technical questions only and I answered many questions correctly.Then second and Third round were much better.

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