CpjJwWHV's Interview
766 unique views

Package: 3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Verbal English : 30 Minutes
Technical : 30 Minutes

Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Technical paper is based on basic civil engg. concepts.It covers all dimensions of civil engg.- structures,transport,environment,water resources.One should have basic knowledge about the core subjects.Although the test is somewhat typical but the selection procedure isnt that harsh,i.e. if you give an average exam still its more than probable you would be selected for the Group discussion.The other Verbal English exam is more or so very easy and anyone could easily crack 95% of it.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : Corruption is the cause of Democracy
Time Given : 20 Minutes

Details of the process and your contribution:
Group Discussion is a non-elimination task but still try not to screw it up since the section procedure is a cumulative process and hence marks scored in each step is accounted for.Be calm and be specific about what you want to say and always try to come up with vital points at the right times rather than talking trivially for a longer period.

Technical Interview

By this time,the Interviewer would have already made a decision whether to select you or not.My interview went on for like 2-3 minutes.He asked me,Why do you want to join Shapoorji and Why should Shapoorji hire you?Then he asked some questions on Contouring and WBM.Then some general questions about my family and my hometown.That was basically it.


Its a very easy to crack selection process as compared to other companies. The company wants to hire you really badly,its just that you have to make sure you don't spoil it.So just be Confident and it would be a cake walk.

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