CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: American Megatrends India Pvt.Ltd
Package: 3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

3 hours written
C aps: 20 questions
Microprocessor or Java: 20 questions
IQ Test:25 questions
Soft Skills: 10 questions

Only 24 ppl attended this company...........The process wasn't really good enough...........I wasn't shortlisted fr nxt ound.........They shortlisted those only with high CGPA(2 ECE students).................Anyway here it goes.............

4 sections:(3 hours)

C aps(20 Q)
Microprocessor or Java(20Q)
I.Q Test(25 Q)
Soft Skills(10Q)

C Aps:
C aps was really tough..........Concentrate more on pointers,Structures and
Array Manipulations............

2nd Section we have to choose either Microprocessor or Java........
Microprocessor section was easy compared to Java...........So i preferred tat
Simple Questions on 8085 and 8086 instruction set was asked....
How much memory if there are 20 address lines,
Diff Btw SRAM and DRAM,
ROM used fr stack or not
Contents of Stack Pointer after PUSH and POP....
What happens after RET instruction?
CMC equivalent instruction?

I.Q Test----Quantitative Aps and Logical Reasoning:
16 questions on Quants..........
Odd number in a series,Area and Volume,Games of Skill,Time and
Work,Average,Trains,Boats and Streams,Profit and Gain were asked........
No of handshakes is 66.........Find total number of Ppl........
Logical reasoning-4 questions were der
A person decides to buy one of these books-Spy thriller,Gothic
Romance,Murder Mystery and another one Book(I don't remember the
genre)....Four authors given not in the proper order..........4 Publishers were
also given in a random order...........
4 Hints were given..........Based on tat 3 questions were asked..........

One Puzzle:
4 men are on the side of a bridge.One torch light is with them and without it they cannot cross the brige.The bridge can withstand only 2ppl at a time.The times required by the persons are 1 min,2 mins,7 mins,10 mins respectively.Find the shortest time required by all of em to cross the bridge.

Finally 5 simple questions on OS wer asked :P
Soft Skills:
scenario based questions were asked..............
You are workin on a project in ur company and ur brother is in urgent need
of a project.What wud u do?
Your friend mails the project details to some other company.Ur reaction?
Your boss allows to take your team members for a treat...........Whether u
choose costly one or within budget?
Your friend and an enemy:P of him are in college cultural team.........What
will be your friend's decision?
Tell about yourself?
Your favourite subject in your curriculum and Why?
Where you would view yourself in 5 years?
What is a dream company in your terms?
Any situation were your work was criticized and ur Reaction?

GPA criteria

7.5 CGPA


Dont ask anything about bond.........Be strong in C and Microprocessor basics.............

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