CpjJwWHV's Interview
998 unique views

Company: CTC
Package: 3.6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

i was asked to make an operation bulletin of a kids wear shirt and was mailnly asked questions regarding hard core production of garment and various production systems, the questions were mostly technical that is conversion of a machine to form another stitch class and related to operator training.


based on interviews and pre placement offers. total applicants interviewd were 63 out of which 2 got selected. my selection was based on my performance during my graduation project with the company as they liked my work


1. think before speaking.
2. If u say u hav a command over a topic to the interviewer than u must hav command over the toic in real sense.
3. dont boast of ur achievements, let the interviewer take a look at ur achievements.
4.be honest ......

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

total applicants interviewd were 63 out of which 2 got selected....
my project was the most important factor inmy selection as they were impressesd by my project on "sewing machine operators election and training module development and implementing the module".

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