CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Maruti suzuki
Package: 5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

written test (fully technical)...

Technical Interview

technical interview--(time duration ~10 min.)
1. what have you prepared and what is your fabourite subject?
2. where have you done your summer intern and what is company all about?
3. what is the difference between casting and forging?
4. and for a particular job what you will prefer (casting/forging)?
5. whay heat treatment is required?
6. presently what technology is used for fuel injection?
7. what is the main difference betwen multi port fuel injection and simple injection system?
8. what is difference between direct and indirect fuel injection?
9.what is the main diff. between injection of CI engine and SI engine?
10. what joining processes are used in aircraft industries and automobile industries?
11.what kind of wellding processes are used in automobile industries?
12.what process will be used for thick and what for thin and why?
13.what cycle is used in aircraft engine and working principle?
14.how many no. of stages are there in an aircraft engine?
15.what do you know about production?
16.what is factor of safety and on what parameters it depends?
17. how fos depends upon the prize of the job?

HR Interview

first interview took nearly 12 to 13 minutes and questinos asked were-
1. Tell me something about your self?
2. about family background?
3. what you will prefer R&D or further study?
4. why R&D? Why not further study?
5. what if we will send you to the production?
6. what is the purpose of flywheel and where it is mounted in the automobile?
7. what is the diffecnce b/w working principle of flywheel and governer?
8. some questions related to your hobbies.

4/5 more questions were there..i don't remember exactly.


Do not use the words from which you are not familier.(like if you are not confident in material science then don't use the words lik grain structure and heat treatment etc.)
whatever answer you give support it by other starment.
if you don't know anything about the que. then simpely say " i don't know. or i have no idea."

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

firstly they took a written test, nearly 45 students appeared in written test and 24 were selected after ppt was there.
then after there was a HR interview in which they just see the sutabilty of student for work, a little communication skills and some sort of thechnical things and 16 were selected out of 24 .
after that there was a core technical interview which was taken by the cmd of company. and finally 7 students were selected.
first thing which i observed is that, you can turn the interviewer according to you.

CpjJwWHV   after completing the online test, wen they called to for interview i mean how many days did they took plz bro give me rply for my questo nagavardhank@gmail.com
Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 3:32 pm

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