CpjJwWHV's Interview
3685 unique views

Company: infosys-finacle
Package: 6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Selection Procedure- Written test consisting of aptitude and general english followed by an interview.

Technical Interview

What is pointer to a function? Give an example where it can be used?
Gave a simple C program on pointers, don't remember the exact problem.
Y Infosys?
Basic questions about strings and pointers.
A few questions about how I solved particular problems in the written test.
Do u have any questions for us?
Thank You.

Total time - around 15 mins

HR Interview

1. Tell me something about urself.
2. So, u r in electrical, y go for a software job?
3. Do u mean that u regret being in electrical?
4. What steps have u taken to get an extra edge in software field?


Good academic record and good communication skills worked in my favour. The importance of basic concepts like pointers come out with such interviews. It is also important to have good analytical skills...

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

No of applicants- around 100-120
Selected- 5...
Good academic record and good communication skills worked in my favour. The importance of basic concepts like pointers come out with such interviews. It is also important to have good analytical skills.

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