CpjJwWHV's Interview
1207 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Technical Interview

Technical questions comprised of DBMS,Computer Networking and from my 3rd and 4th year project.

HR Interview

HR questions like why the company should hire me, what i think the properties of a good leader, my position after 5 years from now.


Based on the percentage I was selected for the interview.


Attitude is the key and speak confidently about anything u are going to speak.
Good Luck to you.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

As I was among the top 5 students of our department, I was directly selected for the HR and technical interview.

119 got selected out of 140.
Confidence, good project work, good percentage helped me a lot in my selection in the company.

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