CpjJwWHV's Interview
1156 unique views

Company: Directi
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 120 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Technical round was more of a coding round. They asked us to create login at codechef.com and uploaded two
problems,out of which we were supposed to do one.
Name of the Topic / Task :
Time Given : 0 Minutes
Details of the process and your contribution:
The whole process had 9 stages for us.
1. Coding round
2. Technical + Algo Interview(2 rounds)
3. HR Interview
4. Telephonic interview(Technical + Algo only)
These rounds were conducted in institute only. Further rounds were conducted at their office in Mumbai.
5. Presentation on a technical topic of your choice.
6. Presentation by some guy on a technical topic in which you are supposed to contribute and show your ability to
work in a team.
7. Technical + Algo Interview
8. Technical + Algo Interview By CEO Bhavin

Technical Interview

Technical interview consisted mostly of Algo questions. Apart from that simple questions from
OOPS(Inheritance,Polymorphism,Virtual Function), DBMS(like design of tables for a specific scenario,ACID
properties), Networks(TCP/UDP Protocol) and OS(Multithreading) were asked.
Coming to the Algo questions, most of them were the ones we saw at CAREERCUP.COM.
The questions which i was asked during algo rounds were:
1. Maximum Sum Sub-Array Problem.
2. You are given a n*n matrix having 1's an 0's in them an given an integer k. You have to find a rectangular region
such that it has k 1's in it.
3. Non-Consecutive Maximum Sum problem.
4. Given an array. Find indices i and j such that A[i]>a[j] and i>j such that i-j is minimum.
5. Finding majority element in an array.
6. Find any duplicate number in an array of very big size.

HR Interview

The HR interview was not all that a serious one. Usual HR questions were asked like Tell me about yourself,Your
ambition etc.


The interviews were interesting and I enjoyed them throughly. But the whole process gets pretty hectic. In 2 days,
I just got 5-6 hrs to sleep.


1. Start coding at online coding competitions.
2. Prepare all questions from CAREERCUP.COM.
3. Be prepared with basic fundas in OS,Networks,DBMS and OOPS.
4. Be confident and don't get stressed by continous interviews.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

my coding skill and communication skill helped me...

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