the apti section: Qs' were from ratios and proportions,avg ages, algebra equations - to find a value (tough ones), fractions, permutation and combination, probability, counting - following the principles of probability (tough question)
The verbal section had few Qs' on Synonyms and Antonyms. The rest were sentence completion - with appropriate words (tough ones) not like fill in the blanks from school years :)
The GD was not on a statement as such. But on a fictional scenario. We got: a plane crash scenario with few survivors and captain and their characteristics, attitude was listed. We had to discuss and choose a leader. (5 mins to read the scenario material given to us & 15 mins to discuss it)
The company's GM was there only for our GD group and he evaluated us! And ours was the 1st group for GD; everyone was nervous when it was about to start
During the presentation before the selection process they said that the interviews - technical and HR both will be there. But when the interviews started, they just did technical. And few general questions like 'tell me about yourself', and things mentioned in your Resume/CV.
The Technical interview was really grinding. They asked basic questions from C, C++ and any other languages mentioned in the CV/Resume. I had mentioned 8086 assembly language, Java. So they asked on them too. They interviewed me for 40mins.
And some occasional puzzles too. Some of the questions I was asked:
Went in with the documents required and they asked for Resume/CV
>tell me about yourself
>Qs' on your score, and achievements
>Whats your fav subject? I said as of now Java.
>then he started asking questions on C, C++ like
-what is a linked list? how does it work? is it contiguous or non contiguous? what sorting algo cannot be applied on them? what is bubble sort? can u explain it to us? can u write a code for us to show how you can check for palindrome having very compact/short code?
puzzle: given 6 sixes, get me 100. given 3 sixes get me a 0. And using 4 sixes get me 10.
- can you list out the entire instruction set into groups for 8086 processor? what is the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit system?
And Qs' about today's technology: what is Symbian? where is it used? what is Android? what is i7,i5 ? any new technological developments you know of? and about my Final Year Project which I had mentioned in the Resume along with other Mini projects
- difference b/w C++ and Java? which is better? why so? elaborate on them.
- why is Java said as dynamic and provides security? what is HTML? expand it. what is XHTML and XML? I said I didn't have XHTML and XML, and that I had HTML along with perl, PHP - from LAMP. So then, they asked: what is 'Markup lang' from M of HTML and asked why is it called so?
then finally, one of them asked me to swap 2 variables without using a temp variable. (easy one)
They were done, asked whether I had anything to ask them about. And I did about a question which was tricky in the written round. Then before leaving I shook their hands and as I was about to leave the room, they called me back and asked me to get them my photograph immediately. (I knew I was through then :) )
Be prepared to answer for any kind of questions they might ask from looking at your Resume/CV.
You will get through the technical round only if you are strong with the fundamentals. And they ask to answer questions on any kind of problems and exceptions to previously asked questions.
Be frank and say you don't know the answer if you don't. And don't pause for too long while answering
Be calm, be articulate - if u need a pause to think and answer do so and don't fumble up by breaking in between your answer - as they might think you are not sure. Don't be too confident, and show it in the way you answer :-)
Good communication with the interviewers is the key.
The company is very good:(an Indian giant conglomerate) as they are trying to move away from their tobacco activities. So mush as to replace the tobacco buildings for their other ventures which is big list. I found that to be a really good thing.
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
The entire interview process was done in one day.
No. of students appeared: 105-115
Cleared Written test: 49
Cleared GD for interviews: 34
Final no. of students selected: 20
I was one among the 20 people selected. :)
The things that worked for me was that I was through with Java and HTML and knew the basics of C and C++ well enough to be able to answer their questions. They look for confidence in your answering and your posture during the interview while they are questioning you. And mentioning extra curricular activities if you have, that will show them your involvement in other fields which will add to your credit. Which could very well be the deciding factor.
I had prepared from R.S Agarwal. It was sufficient. For the porabability and counting - we had PSQ(Probability, Statistics and Queuing) as a subject so that helped for Qs' on that.
Reasoning questions were easy. If your Verbal skills/ability is above average then the Qs' are normal(not difficult). Barrons is more than enough for it.