CpjJwWHV's Interview
1431 unique views

Company: TCS
Package: 3.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 90 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 30 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 30 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 30 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
questions were very easy but you should be focussing on managing time because that is something which matters<br />
a lot because everyone can solve the questions. even if you are not able to answer some questions then do some<br />
intelligent guesses so that you approximate your answer to some extent because no negative marking is<br />
there.Prepare only from RS agrawal and Barrons GRE and some sentence correction. Its better to attempt the<br />
passage part later.

Technical Interview

The technical round was pretty easy. They asked very basic question from OOPS, C , C++, OS, DBMS. The<br />
questions were like tell the basics concepts of OOPS (polymorphism,inheritence etc). They asked what is the<br />
difference between C and C++. For OS they asked scheduling algorithms, fragmentation etc. And for DBMS they<br />
asked the normal forms.

HR Interview

They basically ask about yourself and your achievements. Make your resume attractive but caution do not put<br />
fabricated elements into it . It should contain genuine things .


Be confident but if you are a high pointer then do not get depressssed if you get rejected because there must be a<br />
better opportunity waiting for you.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Experience was wonderful. first hand experience on e-exam.

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