CpjJwWHV's Interview
1534 unique views

Package: 6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 45 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
There were Seperate Question papers for cse and ece.
For CSE it was a simple 45 minutes test which comprised of all technical questions.
In short, question paper mainly consisted of C,Data Structures,Operating systems and Networking questions.They
asked Questions from C(10),Data Structures(5),operating systems(5),networking(3),communication
systems(2).Questions were simple and basic.very few of them needed deep understanding of the subject.They
asked only basics of operating systems and In networking they asked mainly IP Addressing and subnets.For CSE
guys,just be thorough with C,basic data structures,concepts in operating systems and networking.

Technical Interview

There were two rounds of technical interviews.
1.About yourself 2.what is symbolic link in OS 3.what is computer networking? 4. what are the issues in topology
5.what topology do you have in your LAB and why? 6.write full and working code to sort a linked list with minimum
time complexity. 7. you have various strings each associated with an arbitrary 32-bit integer.what data structure
will you choose if you need to search for a string given its number? 8.write a code to print all the connected
components in a graph. 9.why do we have two modes of execution in operating systems?what are they? 10.In real
time operating systems which scheduling strategy will you choose? 11. what projects have you done?explain them?
12.what is your final year project? 16.Trailing zero problem in factorials.

HR Interview

1.About yourself? 2.family background? 3.relocation problems ? 4.Few Indirect questions to test my team leading
ability by giving cases. 5.your hobbies? 6.why qualcomm?7.which field you are interested in? 8.Share with me
something that you have not mentioned anywhere so far? 9.your happiest moment of life. 10. your profile suits you
for GRE.Don't you think that you should go for GRE. 11.Any question for me?


Cover all the basics of operating systems and networking....Be thorough with C and data structures.solve as many
C and data structures questions as you can.Be confident and clear in your answers.Be honest at the interview....If
you have no idea of a question tell them straightaway that you don't know.Don't try to cheat them.Say NO to GRE
or MBA with proper reasons.Don't give reasons like you cant afford or anything like that.Have deep understanding
of your projects.Try to do any wireless networking project at any reputed college if you can...that will help you a lot.
Hope for the best..it all depends on your preparations and a bit on luck...
Best of Luck...

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

I did well in the written test.In fact i scored maximum.In interviews I proposed efficient algorithms and data
structures that impressed them a lot.Their first question was 'what is symbolink link'?i did not have any idea of it.i
just said sorry i don't know.Then he asked me a lot of networking questions and i answered them all.He was very
much interested in my wireless networking project and asked many questions on them.
I answered almost all the questions and fully explained all my projects.Lastly In HR a big NOOOOOOO for GRE did
all for me.

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