Aptitude Test : 120 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 0 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
It was an online aptitude test. Questions in the Quantitative section were simple but time alotted was very less. Be
as fast as you can. There was a section on coding which had a java program and questions based on it. It'll be
better if you can study a bit of java only for apti. There were other sections on interpretation. A few questions based
on general knowledge about computers were asked. Overall it was a very long apti.
I had 3 technical rounds of interviews. All the interviewers were friendly, they tested me only on C/C++ and DS.
First round was around 30 mins, 2 questions were given. 1. Two sorted linked lists are given to you, merge them in
sorted order with space and time contraints. 2. given any two dates, write a program to find number of days
between them. I was given 20 mins for these 2 questions. Program was prefferd but an algo also was fine with
2nd round was of 2.5 hrs, many questions were asked, for most of them I had to give just the algo, some of the
questions were:
1. Given a long string, arrange the words in alphabetical order, delete the duplicates and output the words with
their frequency.
2. write string copy function using pointers
3. find the sum of digits of a given long number till a single digit is obtained.
4. swap 2 intergers without using temporary variable and witout using + -
5. give algo for generating random number
6. find the number of squares on a chess board
7. 2 stacks are given, one is full of numbers and other in empty, one integer variable is given, fill the 2nd stack with
numbers in ascending order with space and time constraints.
I dont remember rest of them.
3rd round was a very short one as they were running out of time, 2 questions were asked
1. 3 ants are located at three ends of a triangle, they start moving towards each other, what is the probability that
they will collide
2. a class of ten students is given, their marks in physics chem and maths are given, rank them. complete working
code for this was asked.
Do C very properly, for apti C is very important. Read about oops concepts of C++. Do ds- mainly link list, stack, q,
trees. test your c skills by yashwant kanetkar is a very good book.