CpjJwWHV's Interview
1509 unique views

Company: oracle
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 120 Minutes
Quantitative : 45 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 75 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Written was online.There were questions on quantitative and analytical, which were quite easy but there was a very
limited time. So it is important that you are fast as well as accurate..
Then we were asked how much of coding we know and how much experience we had and questions were put
Advanced coding was the most difficult part. It tested your DS skills and inheritance concepts, though the programs
were written in Java but logic was important even if you know java or not it won’t matter much..

Technical Interview

My technical interview had 2 rounds. First round was of 40 mins.I was asked 2 puzzles and 2 programs.
1. There is an array having 1 to 100 numbers randomly placed. But two numbers are missing from the list. What
are those two numbers?(no hashing,no sorting)
2. There is a paragraph of words find out the second largest word.
I was asked questions on Data structures like What kind of Data structure linked list is and tree is? What is a data
structure? What kind of language C++ is? Explain OOP concepts with examples.
1. There is a room having 3 bulbs inside and 3 switches outside, you are outside the room and can’t see anything in
the room. You can go inside just once. You have to find out which switch corresponds to which bulb?(hint: you can
touch the bulbs)
2. There are 5 jars with regular pills weighing 10 gms in 4 jars and contaminated pills weighing 11 gms in one jar.
You have a balance and weights and you can weigh just once, how will you find out which jar contains
contaminated pills? You cannot mix pills.All look alike.
In the second round I was asked one puzzle which i answered.
1. There are 3 people on a tower which may collapse due to fire. King(78 kg),Queen(42kg) and Prince(36kg).There
is a pulley on the tower with baskets tied to it on both the sides of rope around the pulley. There is a 30kg stone in
one of the baskets. There can be two persons or a person and a stone or a person or a stone in the baskets
keeping in mind that the weight difference is not more than 6kg else rope would break. You have to bring all the
three on ground safely.

HR Interview

HR went for 40 mins..It was fun. You just need to be confident while speaking. Express yourself nicely and show
that you are desperate to join their organization. They asked me about myself, my achievements. Why i want to
join Oracle? Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?etc. etc..


Rest I wish you all the best. Start preparing in your summer vacations. Brush up your skills. Improve upon your
communication skills.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Though the process was very long and hectic.. I enjoyed it a lot. Though I couldn’t answer all the questions in my
first round, I gave a nice attempt to them. So always make an attempt, don’t get tensed if you don’t reach the
solution. Show them your approach and keep discussing the question. The interviewers were very patient and gave
a lot of time so I never felt the pressure. Regarding your software skills, you need to know C,C++ and data
structures. It helps a lot if you are good at them. If you are good in programming you can easily solve the
programs, you need to give only the algorithm or logic. They don’t stress much upon the proper syntax.
One more thing that is important is that if you have a strong resume it adds up a lot like( Sports, extra curricular
activities, academic record).

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