CpjJwWHV's Interview
1245 unique views

Company: oracle
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 90 Minutes
Quantitative : Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : Minutes
Verbal English : Minutes
Technical : Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
There was an online written test for 90mins, which was compleletely of objective type. It had 3 sections with
sub-sections in each, you have cut-off time for each sub-section. you can answer the sections in any order.There
was one aptitude section(quant & reasoning), one section of software basics(DBMS n other software basics) and
the third section was programming part(objective type). In the programming section,all the 10 questions were
asked on trees.
The aptitude will be very easy, have good command on data structures n some basic idea about DBMS.
Keep track of the time in each section as in some section you have less than a min to answer the questions.

Technical Interview

We had three rounds of technical interviews. In the 1st round i was asked to write the algorithms for 3 programs.
they were based on strings(finding the key wprd in a dictionary etc), recursions. It was for around 30mins.
In the second round, I was given 2 puzzles and was asked to write 7 algoritms. The puzzles were really
simple(dividing the water in a jug equally etc), the algoritms were based on strings, data structures(trees, linked
list) and some normal C logic(how do u swap two numbers with out using +/- or temp variable, an algorithm for
random function). It was for around 2hrs n 30 mins.
In the third round, I was asked questions related to C, oops n some basics of DBMS and some HR questions. The
HR questions were the usual ones like,tell me about yourself? why oracle? where do u see yourself in the next
10years? why not higher studies? wat do u know about oracle? why should we hire you? being in ECE, why do u
want to go for software job?
it was for around 40 mins.
The other panal asked questions(for other students) related to electronics even, which were like circuit diagram of
555, interfacing key board to microprocessor, DAM, op-amp etc.

HR Interview

The HR round was jus a formality,i was asked my preferential work place, when can i join if i was hired etc. The
short list was already made and all the guys who were called for the final HR were finally selected. this round was
for just less than 10 mins.


Have good command over basic C concepts, C++(oops), data structures. These are the basic requirements for any
software company. From ECE guys, they dont expect indepth knowledge in DBMS, SQL,but knowing atleast the
basics will be an advantage. Also have good knowledge of the electronic subjects like Microprocessors, integrated
circuits etc.
Through out the interview, stay positive, speak loud and sound confident and have the NEVER GIVE-UP attitude.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

A panel of 12 members had come for the recruitment. The entire procedure lasted for around 13 hrs. They started
the ppt at 9.30 AM and by the time the results were announced it was 10.30 PM. All the strain of the day
disappeared once i saw the name in the final list.

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