Aptitude Test : 35 Minutes
Quantitative : Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 20 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Written test conducted by PAC 2 weeks before interview.
In written there are total 75 questions.
technical-20 questions 40 minutes.
They gave some requirements for a tree structure and then they have given questions on that tree.
technical-20 questions 20 minutes
Here , they gave questions on all subjects which are direct concepts. Easy one.
Aptitude - 35 questions
It contains quant-10 q , one flow chart - 5 q , maths and reasoning -20
One suggestion to all that take care of time. They have given time limit for each section.
Don't waste time at initial questions. At the end you will have some easy questions.
Every one have 2 rounds of technical interviews .
In first round ,
They asked some puzzles , concepts in java , queries in sql, dbms concepts , programs on DS.
In Second round,
They asked
- system analysis and design .( what is meant by SAD? Explain each phase in SAD?)
- What are the OOP Concepts ? ( Give real world example for each concept ? )
- what are Data Structures ? ( Give the use of every DS in business world ?)
- He gave One Business scenario... And then he asked me draw DFD ( ER ) for this one?
- Write a Program to Sort the elements in a Linked List?
- Write a program to find Number of each number letter words are there in a file?
Ex: Hi every one
o/p : letter count
1 0
2 1
3 1
4 0
5 0
6 1
- Queries on JOINS ?
- DBMS concepts and JAVA concepts...
Here initially he asked my details.
Then , he asked some general questions like (where u want to be after 2 years?)
He went to software engineering concepts and asked in detail at every phase?
Prepare well................., concentrate more on technical subjects from the begining of the semister only.
Particularly self
confidence must be build up. Try to communicate with ur friends properly to increase ur communication skiils which
mandatory in the present industry. Try to talk more in the interview with more confidence . Take care that should
not be
overconfidence. dont prepare generally for all the companies, decide the company & according to that comapny
requirements (subjects / languages/skills) & prepare for them. Bye ALL THE BEST.
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
It was an exciting experience to get selected for Oracle company which is one of the leading company in IT industry.
I was
very confident to myself that i will get selected in that company. Every thing went fine and at end of the day i was