CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: oracle
Package: 8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

There were 3 interviews in total.2 of them are technical and last one is HR...
My first technical was about 1 and half hour.I was asked about data structures and c concepts.He asked me to do
coding.He asked me about Mergesort algorithm,write some code to find whether the machine is bigendian or little
Find Least common ancestor for a binary tree in efficient manner,String reversals,and etc...They asked to write
code and
in meanwhile they told me to say the approach and if its correct they said its ok u don need to code it!!!!I was
interviewed by 3 persons simultaneously and it was like a rapid round and I told everything correctly and that really
helped me.
In my second interview I was asked about my favorite subject and I said its OS and Networking.And they asked
in OS.They asked about signals,multi threading and almost every concepts I don remember everything asked.I was
asked about my project.And some c concepts and memory allocation and about some system failure cases.On the
whole its really cool interview compared to my first which was a bit hectic.

HR Interview

In HR they have just confirmed my details in my resume.It was just 20 minutes. They asked about my family
background and my schooling. Its very cool.They have selected every one who are selected for HR.So I think
technical is it that u have to clear.


Be strong at your basics in OS and networking.Thats the ultimate part they wanted us to be through.Try to do good
number of questions on data structures and start it as early as possible.Since it is Server Technologies they didn't
ask anything about DBMS and that shows i am really lucky.On the whole its really easy.If i can crack it i am sure
every one can and i mean it.
One good thing about them is that they kept noting everything we know and i thing they finally evaluated it.So
everything u know is counted.
One suggestion is that dont get disappointed if u dont crack any interview.Much better company is coming for u and
so it might happened.And it happened to me.
.All the best!!!!!!.Work hard.......Your day comes for sure and i know One day u will be writing all this.
Good bye!!!!!!!!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It is for the first time Server technologies came to our college.I was very nervous because we don't know what they
expect from us.But they are really great.In my first interview at the initial stages I did a lot of mess there.I did very
silly mistakes in what they asked to code and then what he said is we came here to know what u learned and you
dont need to answer it correctly and told to calm down,thats really solacing to me.On the whole this is my best
interview i have ever given.

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