CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: TCS
Package: 3.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 0 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 0 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
The top 5 academic performers from 3 B.Tech branches were automatically shortlisted for interviews. Of the applied<br />
candidates, I came under this category and so had no aptitude test.

Technical Interview

I was the first person to be interviewed by my particular panel. They asked me first to speak about myself and then<br />
about my projects. The interview then took a roller coaster along the different core subjects ranging from<br />
microprocessors to power systems. It was a good one and I was confident of having performed well. The main idea<br />
of the panel was to guage my knowledge in terms of my contribution in each of the projects I had done. It lasted<br />
for about 45 minutes. The panel was very co-operative and made me feel at ease. One of the non-technical<br />
questions asked was " What was the most challenging problem you faced in recent times and how did you tackle it?<br />

HR Interview

This was one of the best HR interviews I had given as the panel made me feel very comfortable and were in sync<br />
with my thoughts. They started with "tell me about yourself" and stopped me when I said that I have an active<br />
interest in Greek and Indian mythologies and sometimes entertain my friends by telling them stories from these. I<br />
was asked to narrate 2 stories, 1 from each, which I did and the panel were delighted by my narrating skills. Then I<br />
was asked to justify my downward slope of academic performance, which I did and lastly my preference of place of<br />
work was inquired. In all, it was a good interview of about 20 minutes.


Aptitude test- Don't ask me. Tatas has been our country's growth gadget since its inception and provides excellent<br />
flexibilities and benefits to its employees. An average performer who does his technical well can easily crack TCS.<br />
This is the best company in all the IT services and makes sure that in future, its employees get to do projects<br />
relating to their core subjects.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

TCS is a very good company when it comes to employee recognition. Around 25 people were directly shortlisted for<br />
interviews, who were called in by the HR member after the ppt and were asked to prepare well for the interviews.<br />
This was an informal meeting and was initiated by the HR member. Also, this group is mostly owned by trusts and<br />
believes in giving back to society. This corporate social responsibilty along with the job rotation available every 3<br />
years attracted me to TCS.

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