Aptitude Test : 40 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 90 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
In apti, question asked were based on algo design(1.Print fibonacci series in reverse order upto number N. 2.swap
two integer using pointers. 3.An algo for finding weight to weigh 1-40 kg using min. no. of weights.(1,3,9,27). 4.
an algo for finding stuck at '0' in a given ckt. etc there were totally 10 question.
In Technical, question was focused on basics of network analysis (RC circuits), question on State machine, priority
decoder, NAND-NOR imple..,Op-Amp circuits, fault detection in a digital circuit, synchronous counter. One question
was on current mirror, cmos inverter. there were totally 17 questions.
In interview, they asked Network analysis, digital and VLSI.
In VLSI, they asked about CMOS inverter, layout of inverter, various capacitors in a MOS and their effects. Why
In digital, they asked T to D and D to T, fault detection in digital circuit, no. of 3-input Or gate required to make n
input OR (n/2 if even or (n-1)/2 if odd).
In NA, they were stick to RC circuits, what u can do with resister, capacitor and both. Analysis of voltage doubler
and they made me solve some RC circuits..
They asked of pipelining, its adv. as well as disadv.
They also asked about programming skill( sorting algo).
In PR,1. mine and family details, 2. companies attempted till now, 3. have u got any job.. 4. about higher studies,
5. if u don't get job, what u would do. 3. What do u like abt college ( I started appreciating each n everything of
college one by one then he ask me what u don't like abt college).
My suggestion as a senior is be prepared for basics with in depth understanding and don't expect a question which
u hav seen before. Bt the fun is if ur basic is strong, u can solve very easily.
All the best!!!!!!