Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes
Quantitative : 0 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 30 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
The total written test was for 1 hour.There were 2 sections- aptitude and technical.
In aptitude questions were on :-probability,time & work,Time & distance,age,logical reasoning,numbers,profit &
loss etc.
Technical questions :-from basic intermediate physics (rotation,force-Motion,friction etc),mechanics of solids,heat
transfer,kinematics,thermal machines.
paper was not tough.You need to be very fast to crack it.
There were 2 technical interviews.In first round questions were asked from strength of materials,turbo
machines,vibrations,FEA,heat transfer,material science,design of machine elements,kinematics,fluid
mechanics.Since I mentioned DME,FEA,Vibrations as my area of interest,few practical situations were given on
these subjects and was asked to solve right in front of them.I had to derive the formulas,draw figures and
graphs.As far as I remember I was made to use around 15 A4 size papers for these.Then they asked about all the
projects/training that I had in all 4 years.They went into very depth in it.Even they checked my project reports.
In second round they concentrated mainly on my project works(industrial as well as final year project),industrial
training,software knowledge(MATLAB,PROE,AUTOCAD,ANSYS etc),about whatever prizes I had won in technical
With the available papers,pens,refills I was asked to demonstrate some models.
It was for 20-30 min.Questions were :- tell me about yourself,why i want to join the company,what i know about
the company,leadership experience,team work experience,type of difficulties faced in these and how I solved
them,hobbies,interests,strengths,weaknes s.
It needs a good deal of technical knowledge.Should be good at fundamentals,basics of all core subjects you had in
your 4 years.Because although they ask about your favorite subjects there will be questions from almost all core
topics.You have to be very thorough in your projects and trainings.Be confident enough in your answers.Keep ready
all of your documents(such as :- project reports,ready-made diagrams/printouts etc to explain something) with
you.Be serious for the company.Have a good knowledge about its profile,market performance etc.
No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour
The experience was very good.The interviewers had very good technical/practical knowledge.Aptitude was not very
tough,all u need is fastness.Its a very good company in the fields of design,automation,robotics.In the first round of
technical interview after questions on a particular subject, the interviewer used to write some feedback on my
performance before he goes to next topic.Which was given to the interviewer of the 2nd round and he asked me
questions based on them i.e. a little more in-depth.