CpjJwWHV's Interview
979 unique views

Company: THERMAX
Package: 3.6 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 60 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 0 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 0 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
Questions were mostly from 11th to the final yr b.tech. almost everything was asked. it was not so tough.. time<br />
management was tested. If u can manage time, u can crack it easily. Analytical was easy and everyone can do.<br />
Total time was 1 hr. and it includes, english, reasoning, technical and quantitative. Be strong with basics. Right<br />
from your 11th standard.

Technical Interview

What is steam? What are the properties of steam? I said my favorite subjects as manufacturing, thermodynamics<br />
and heat transfer. They asked me about machine shop, Boiling point properties like what happens to boiling point of<br />
water in vacuum. What happens to boiling point of water on moon? Being strong with basics will be enough to<br />

HR Interview

My HR was easy one as i went in confidently. First question is most general one. Say about yourself. Giving small<br />
introduction about myself, i started off with my qualities and projected me well. Main thing is whatever you speak<br />
there must be related to incidents of your life. Don't say anything just like that. They asked why i want to take<br />
thermax even for a very low pay when compared to many other software companies.


Take care in writing your resume. The company format involves lot of questions about HR and you will be asked<br />
solely on that in interview. Be prepared for any type of question on it. You may need to link some thing you wrote in<br />
resume to your life. So be careful. and about aptitude, you can crack easily if your basics are good. All THE BEST.<br />
Rama Krishna

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The interview was very good. I enjoyed it. I was bit nervous about the interview as it is my first experience but i<br />
went in confidently. and they are impressed with it. They ask lot of questions from your resume. I was prepared for<br />
that. HR and technical was together. I was asked my interests and i was asked why am i so much interested in that<br />
and how it influences my life.

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