CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: TCS
Package: 3.15 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 90 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 40 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 30 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 20 Minutes<br />
Technical : 0 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
TCS conducts online test. There will be three sections and there is a time limit for every section. In verbal<br />
antonyms, synonyms and reading comprehension were asked. In critical Reasoning 3 sections of each 4 questions<br />
were asked. Refer Barrons 12th edition model papers for critical reasoning. For quantitative refer previous tcs<br />
papers available in net.

Technical Interview

In technical they stressed on basics of c and oops concepts. They asked me how to swap three variables without<br />
using temporary variable. They asked what is the difference between malloc and new and how they are initialized.<br />
What are reference and pointer variables and write their syntax. How deletion done in linked list. No need of writing<br />
code just learn logic. Some questions on cube.

HR Interview

In HR they asked tell me about your self. Why software industry. Why tcs should hire you. They have gone through<br />
my resume and asked questions based on it. Due you have any problem regarding relocation. One should show<br />
that they possess team spirit.


Be confident and don’t get tensed. Don’t loose confidence if you don’t answer the questions, try to answer next<br />
questions. You have to identify your strengths and present before them appropriately.<br />
Practise of apti papers is required. For Quantitative refer RS Agarwal and tcs previous papers in net. For Critical<br />
reasoning and verbal refer Barrons 12th edition available in net. Wish you all the best!!!!

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Technical round lasted 40 minutes and they stressed on the basics so be good at basics of your core subject ,c and<br />
OOPs. HR round was very cool and interviewers got impressed by answers. At night 10:30 of the day they informed<br />
results informally. You have to stay whole the day in tnp itself. TCS is a nice company I am happy that I got placed<br />
in it.

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