CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: ADANI
Package: 3.23 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 30 Minutes<br />
Quantitative : 0 Minutes<br />
Reasoning / Analytical : 0 Minutes<br />
Verbal English : 0 Minutes<br />
Technical : 30 Minutes<br />
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:<br />
Aptitude test of half an hour, is common for all the branches and is not that difficult at all.The questions were from<br />
quant and verbal.<br />
The technical paper was mostly electrical and power system fundamentals.Try the questions given in the backpages<br />
of Bhimbra-Electrical Machines.

Pattern of Group Discussion

Name of the Topic / Task : GD topic :Potential n Luck in interviews<br />
Time Given : 15 Minutes<br />
Details of the process and your contribution:<br />
Frankly, i wasn't in my best during the GD.I just gave an instance, i knew of, where luck played an important role.<br />
And for the rest of the time i was just supporting or refuting other's view points. Just make sure that you are in the<br />
loop and carry on with confidence.

Technical Interview

The HR and Technical interview was combined. I was asked about my technical interests and then followed few<br />
technical questions like,about Ferranti effect, variable frequency drives and so on.Also i was asked to draw some<br />
drives for speed control.What all they ask will be basics, and mostly they are checking whether you can convey<br />
technical information smoothly.

HR Interview

HR guy was almost like stoic and didn't gave away much.Even when you think you are answering him smoothly, he<br />
gives a face which says,he is not satisfied. I guess it's one of HR people's strategies.Just keep your calm.He started<br />
off with typical Hr questions like, "Tell me about yourself" and all. Other questions asked where... "What is your<br />
model behaviour?".. "How do you keep yourself updated about new informations?"... "Activities in college?" ... so<br />
on<br />
The interview wnt on for a good half an hour.


Work through your fundamentals and just give a little time on your quant and voc. And remain cool throughout the<br />
process... That's all i've .. All the Best..

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

It was overall a nice experience.But ofcourse when they are addressing you after selections..that is when you will<br />
be at the peak of feeling good.

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