CpjJwWHV's Interview
2186 unique views

Company: Sapient
Package: 4.23 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1
Pattern of Written Test


GPA criteria

there was no such criteria ....actually there was online written test...so every one took that...test was conducted by aspiring minds...

Technical Interview

My interview lasted for more than an hour....they asked me every thing...from my cv and from my project...
questions were like...write an sql query to display name from table...then write program for palindrome...what is linked list how will you reverse it...
stack...software model...osi layer...in html marquee...every thing..it was a fun...

HR Interview

even this lasted for more than one hour...i actually enjoyed this...it started with tell me about your self...and he asked me every thing...
and at last he gave me one puzzle..it was tough one...i took 15 min but i solved it...


Write those things in your cv what you know best...
read ds and other subject as well...this company is not like others ...they even ask to write code...
so enjoy be cool...

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

written probable 250 ;
and 73 cleared and 35 appeared for interview(rest got in other company)....and finally 8 got selected from B-Tech and Some more people were selected from Mtech and mca.

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