CpjJwWHV's Interview
1653 unique views

Company: Sapient
Package: 4.23 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Quantitative : -- 25Questions
Reasoning / Analytical : -- 25Questions
Verbal English : -- 25Questions
Technical : -- 25Questions

Aspiring minds conducted the test.Technical part was easy.

GPA criteria


Technical Interview

The guy was very friendly.he asked me a whole lot of questions.All were very basic.
Simple programs:
Delete an element from linked list
Reverse Bubble sort
Fibonaci series
Middle of a linked list?

Puzzles:8 Queens Problem(Also draw one of the solution)

DBMS:All normal forms
Diff Between 3rd Normal form and BCNF
Have you used oracle?

OS:Explain deadlock to a layman?
Whats is Threading?

OOPS:Explain OOPs concepts?
what is virtual functions?
what are the modes of privacy ?

Asked me general what microsoft technologies I have worked on?

HR Interview

The guy was very professional.
First of all introduce yourself?
Seeing that i was active in a lot of societies asked me about all the societies?
Gave me many situations and asked what will you do in those situations?
there was counter questioning?


One hint to all you guys just pretend that the company you are appearing for is the only company you want to be in??
though in this case the job profile suited me perfectly??
never make the hr feel you can leave the company?
always be excited about the company and know about the job profile and what you are thinking of doing if u want to join this company?

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

72 applied-- B.tech(CSE+ ELEX) + M.Tech(CA)
4 from cse and 1 elex and 1 M.tech made it through!

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