CpjJwWHV's Interview
948 unique views

Company: NMDC
Package: 6.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

shortlisting on the basis of GPA.7.25+ elligible.
written test

Technical Interview

what is kelvin plank statement?
what is claussius statement?
a car is moving at 60 km/hour .what is the minimum distance in which it can be stopped after applying brakes?
are u planning for higher studies in recent future?

HR Interview

tell me something about yourself
how passionate are u about mechanical engineering?


when they ask u about yourself,just come up with ur strong +ve points.try to come up with good hobbies.Even if u dont have one,make one haha,and just think about the possible questions that they can ask,for they always ask.and think about their answers,beforehand.For technical ,just make one favorite topic.for example ,i had told thermodynamics.some questions can come up with basic fundas.never project urself as if u r going for higher studies in recent future,u should seem to be a guy who works permanently in the company.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

shortlisting on the basis of GPA.7.25+ elligible.
written test
12 had applied ,5 got selected...
confidence and luck...

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