CpjJwWHV's Interview
1839 unique views

Package: 2.51 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Selection process of above company consisted of three rounds namely Written test (Aptitude & Technical), ....

Pattern of Group Discussion

GD topic as US market crisis 2009 to know about our general awareness and to check our communication and verbal skills. Asked me that how i am gonna sell a machine to my customer just to check my confidence level.

Technical Interview

Basic questions were Tell me about Yourself, Question from The projects i have done, From the summer training of third year

HR Interview

My strengths and Weaknesses, Why should the company Hire me etc.


Just before going in for interviews one should not discuss anything extra from others. One should not get nervous ,just calm down take deep breaths and enter the interviewer room with a smiling face.Rest all depends on your skills and confidence, Dont ever loose it whatsoever is the condition you are in.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

The shortlisting procedure was mainly to know about the candidates wholesome personality with high communication skills and good aptitude.Like they gave us the GD topic as US market crisis 2009 to know about our general awareness and to check our communication and verbal skills. Asked me that how i am gonna sell a machine to my customer just to check my confidence level...
I dont have a very good GPA so certainly my projects, confidence, aptitude and communication skills worked for me.

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