CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Package: 2.8 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

It was a 65 minutes test.There was no negative marking.There were two sections:-
1.aptitude(50 mins--------------60 questions)
2.technical(15 minutes---------15 questions).

aptitude questions consisted of verbal and quantatative portion. quants was easy but english was a bit difficult.
aptitude consisted of 2-3puzzles, 2 data interpretation,and some analogy questions and rest quantatative.

Pattern of Group Discussion

we were 14 students.topic was "will india become economic superpower & how it will achieve it".
finally 5 were selected so GD was a bit tough round.those with only good communication skills were able to made it.

GPA criteria

60% throughout in 10,12, b.tech.

HR Interview

1.asked abt me,my family.
2.why nt chosen teaching profession as your father?
3.which place to work in india?
4. languages i know?
5.will i work in mines?
6.which area i will choose-technical or sales?why?
7.subjects i like the most?
8.give practical examples of various things u have said?
9.tell us about your achievements as mentioned in your cv?


always be confident,show ur postive attitude,prepare proper resume.

never lie,never say i can't, don't choose any specific place to work for rather say any where in india.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

nearly 150 sat for the exam. out of which 29 made it in the written.after gd there were only 13 left nd finally they took 9.

for me my confidence worked.

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