CpjJwWHV's Interview
997 unique views

Company: NMDC
Package: 6.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Written test: 90% technical 10% verbal
technical comprised of basic mechanical engg. fundamentals, physics fundamentals..

HR Interview

Q. tell me something about yourself
Q. family background
Q. tell me some of your strengths
Q. tell me some of your weaknesses and what are you doing to overcome them
Q. what is Differential?
Q. why should NMDC recruit you?


1) one must know all the basic fundamentals of one's branch
2) one must have a good preparation of generally asked HR questions
3) some ettiquetes like opening the door, walking, sitting on the chair, using hand for explanation, eye contact, etc. must be incorporated prior to the interview in oneself
4) fluency of speech
5) confidence

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Written > Interview
15+ applied and 5 got selected ( from mech)
rank: 5th...
good gpa
HR answers
technical answers
written test

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