CpjJwWHV's Interview
773 unique views

Package: 5.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

group talk was done among 15 students. Each student were allowed to speak for around 2 mins but discussion was not allowed. Then students were shortlisted for Personal Interview.

Technical Interview

After this all questions were technical mainly about rock mechanics.
And in which age coal was formed? what is tertiary coal? where it is found?
what are the problems associated with this?

HR Interview

Basically Technical questions were asked. In between few personal questions also.
Interview started with que "which state i belong to?' then what are the minerals found in that state (Rajasthan). Does coal is mined out there?
Then why you don't join a mining company in Rajasthan?


Mainly CIL asked technical questions (same for other mining companies too). So having a strong foothold in technical will easily lead to success.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

First a Bio-Data form was to be filled up. Then, a group talk was done among 15 students. Each student were allowed to speak for around 2 mins but discussion was not allowed. Then students were shortlisted for Personal Interview.

Totally 41 students applied and out of these 26 were selected finally.
my rank was 3rd among those who have applied.
good gpa, good academic record, and my attitude in interview.

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