CpjJwWHV's Interview
868 unique views

Package: 3 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

The aptitude test was a bit tough one. The paper consisted of 25 questions and was divided in 5 groups each having 5 questions.Questions were good one.

GPA criteria

The minimum marks required to appear for the aptitude test was 60% both in 10th and 12th and 6.5 in B.Tech.

HR Interview

1) Why should we select you?
2) How are you different from others?
3) Your extra qualities?
4) They asked me the reason to quit my B.Sc(hons.) that i was pursuing before taking admission in B.Tech.
5) Some other common HR questions.


1) Be confident.
2) Answer whatever you feel at the moment the question is asked.
3) Be cool and patient.
4) Don't overexpect from yourself.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour


1) My good cgpa that was 8.30
2) Confidence.
3) Eagerness to answer to any kind of question.
4) Luck

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