CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Adobe
Package: 6.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

There a written test having an Aptitude and a Technical part for all CSE and ECE students with CGPA above 7.0. At the
end of it 4 members were selected for the personal interviews. Each of us had 4 rounds of interviews. The pattern of
interviews I had was HR, followed by a technical, then a HR + technical sort taken by a manager from Adobe and finally
another technical. At the end of the interviews 3 of us were selected.
Aptitude Section had general Logic and aptitude questions. Quantitative had comparison questions ( Fill with , =) followed
by basic maths questions. Simple Logical Reasoning questions like I prefer Mozart to Beethoven, I prefer Beethoven and
Montago equally, who will i listen to ? and similar types of questions. The Technical was good, consisted of 2 parts 1 of C
and algorithms and the other of DS. Both papers had 10 problems each, so it was a race against time here.

Technical Interview

Some of the questions asked were : 1) Given an array and a Number N find all sets of 2 numbers that add up to N. Started
with O(n^2) then went onto O(N) solution using i) hashing ii) O(N) using sorted array. 2) Given a dictionary (Can be
traversed linearly from the first) and a word, find all legal permutations of the word. 3) I have a clock at the bottom of a
hill giving me correct time, and one on top of the hill which is not working, how can I synchronize the 2 clocks, time taken
to go up is more than it takes to come down. 4) What are heaps, threads, Pthreads, have you done Pthread programming,
what programs ? 5) Write a class for Stack considering all loop-holes and error conditions? 6) Give a program to print a
string in reverse using simplest solution possible. 7) Divide an L-shaped area into 2, 3, 4 equal parts. Divide a square into 7
equal parts. A few more were asked that I do not remember, which were on the same lines as above.

HR Interview

HR was more of an ice-breaker for me. The interviewer asked me simple questions like : 1) Tell me about yourself, your
strengths and weaknesses. 2) Tell me about your family. 3) Will you prefer a job or higher studies ? Why not GRE ? 4)
Why did you prefer Noida over Bangalore ? 5) What are your long-term future goals ? 6) Goals for next 5 years ?


Get your Basics in C, C++, algos and DS correct. They are the most important. Be confident, stay cool and you will be able
to answer all the questions. Always keep a small smile on your face during the interview it shows that you are confident
and not awed by the procedure. For puzzles, CS algorithms etc go to Wu's puzzles ( Type Wu's Puzzles in Google and
follow the links to its Forum), that helps a lot for the preparations.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Clearing the written test was the toughest part. The technical questions were good and as you got 3-5 minutes to write full
programs it was tough. Managed to do around 7 questions in the technical rounds. They later told me that technical was the
main thing they were looking at while choosing the candidates. When I got to know that there were only 4 people selected
for the interviews and considering that Adobe was the first company to come, I was quite confident to make it. From there
on it was just applying the concepts of DS etc. in the technical rounds and that was it.

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