CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: Adobe
Package: 6.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

Aptitude Test : 0 Minutes
Quantitative : 30 Minutes
Reasoning / Analytical : 15 Minutes
Verbal English : 0 Minutes
Technical : 90 Minutes
Details of types of questions asked in each of the sections:
Simple and straight-forward questions. No technical knowledge required. Contained 30 questions.
Relation based questions (something is related something else, that is related to some other thing - kind of question
- similar to the ones in CAT and GRE).
C Skills:
Duration: 45 minutes.
10 Questions: 9 coding questions. Other one was 'Difference b/w malloc & calloc'. No deep algorithms required.
Good coding/implementation practices are important. Questions like 'Find overflow in the addition of 2 numbers in a
single statement', 'Toggle all odd bits in an integer', 'Find the last index where one string would occur in another',
etc. Refer 'Kernighan & Ritchie'.
Duration: 45 minutes.
10 Questions: Data Structures, Algorithms and Problem Solving skills are important. Puzzle type questions. One
Finite Automata question. Questions like 'Algorithm to find all anagrams of of a given word', 'Number of strings
generated by a DFA with a specific set of state transitions', etc.
Focus required on C and Engineering skills.

Technical Interview

3 Rounds of Technical (Approximately 1 hour each) : No eliminations
Assesses Problem Solving and Coding skills. Identification of all possible sub-cases in every problem is required.
The code should have no end-conditions unless specified. No blind assumptions are to be made. Understanding of
Data Structures is important. Questions like 'Find the next larger number in a full binary search tree implemented
using array within Constant Time', 'Find the next larger palindrome of a given no', one OOP based question, one
string operation question. Asked about the Projects / Internships done - experience and the details of the work.

HR Interview

1 Round (1 hour approx)
Questions like 'List your dream companies in order and explain why', 'Why not going for GRE / other Masters',
'What is your next career step if not selected for Adobe', 'Why did you opt for Bangalore', etc.


Problems were generally easy to solve. But the solution should be complete. They would help us to know if it
has loop holes, but we should identify and correct them appropriately. They were focussing a lot on our
interest towards the company and the software field.


A great improvement required in C , C++ and coding skills beyond that is obtained from the curriculum (as
suggested by the interviewers). Understanding of the Data Structures is very important. Improving problem
solving skills by trying hard puzzles will be helpful. Stay calm at the interview, so that your stress won’t spoil
your pace of solving questions. Approach to the solution should be well conveyed to the interviewer. Express
your passion to the field when describing the works that you had done.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

very good coding skill and a great deal of knowledge of c.c++ ..also mine confidence..

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