CpjJwWHV's Interview
1080 unique views

Company: C-DOT
Package: 6.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

there is no written test for c-dot.

Technical Interview

technical interview:- only on core subjects of my choice. i told digital design, dsp, microprocessors, communcation
systems. they didnt miss even one topic . asked the basics in all subjects which i told.some application type of questions
were also asked just to check the thinking capability. questions are like this:- 1) about gates, implementation. 2) counters,
rise time fall time etc clk cycle explanations etc. 3) fft, dft applications differences etc, 4) general on teh spot explanation
type of questions etc. 5) comuniation theory little bit depth as that is theisr field of work. modulatin, correlation,
attenuation, errors etc.

HR Interview

the H.R was just for formality. he just asked me about my back ground, place n tell about your family. thats it more than
this he didnt ask anything. this also he asked as a part of technical round it self.


suggestion:- 1) please prepare well in basics of different subjects. 2) think before answering. 3) GO THROUGH THE
COMPANY WEBSITE ONCE ,before you attend any company. 4) because a default question is what do you know about
our company. there you can gain the impression of the panel members. all the best to all of you.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

my experience:- 1) interview was fine and cool. 2) be prepared with the areas of requirement. 3) i didnt say no to any
question , eventhough i dont know the answer i spent a lot of time in thinkin from the relevant field to which the question
belongs and explained something related to question.( i feel that, there they got some impression .)

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