CpjJwWHV's Interview
1154 unique views

Company: C-DOT
Package: 6.7 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

As far as my technical interview is concern,it was basically divided into three part: 1.SOFTWARE: General C/C++
question such as in C what is malloc,calloc,pointer base queries.In C++ classes,structure(code for class using multilevel
mutiple inheritence) DS:Link list,(made me to write a code for adding a node in a link list at a specified
position),inorder,postorder,preoder funda,some string and array question 2. ECE core:computer architecture and
organisation:question on cache,paging 3.On MY PROJECT:I did a project in networking(with cisco,banglore)...on making
of ACL for PC based router. They asked me question on networking such as what is topology,TCP/UDP,DATA

HR Interview

For me HR interview was not so tough.They asked some straight forward question such as will you have any plans for
higher studies,about my family,how much do I expect for them as salary.


CDOT ALCATEL LUCENT RESEARCH CENTRE's recruitment processor did have not any written test this time.Short
listing was done on the bases of CGPA.


i did the CISCO Project so it really helped me lot.As it is network base company,therefore,this project ruled my
interview......its better to have a project and you should be confident about it,able to answer every question in it.It wiil give
you an edge. plus you should have strong base of C/C++ also.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Getting through CDot ALCATEL is great.Intetviews were above expectation.My summer hard work really helped me a lot
that is CISCO Project.Most of the time,my interviews question wre related to project only.

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