CpjJwWHV's Interview
691 unique views

Company: CGI
Package: 3.2 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

career net took the written test.questions were of very basic level. I think of GATE level.

Technical Interview

In tech interview questions on FY yr project,mine on cryptography therefore on hashing,encoding etc .also questions on c++,os are asked.In os message passing was asked.

Also how you design a notepad .Concepts of file handling and DS are touched here.Puzzles are also asked. like a square is cut and 3/4 square is left and u have to cut it agin into 4 parts of same geometry.........

HR Interview

In hr interview questions like tell me abt ur family background etc this was very cool round.


career net visit campus, take a test .After that interview was held in kolkata.


be cool and confident .read basics of C,C++,DS,os,dbms,SE and ur project.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

16 student applied and 6 got selected.
confidence and communication matter very much...tech knowledge atleast basics

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