CpjJwWHV's Interview
925 unique views

Package: 4.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Written Test

aptitude was very basic. most of them ere school level questions. anybody should be able to do them. technical was kind of
different as in none were from curriculum . there was huge variety and even the toppers faced it difficult to answer. dont
worry even if u dont do well in tech paper as nobody generally does .

Technical Interview

i wasnt asked any tech related questions. im the only one in my group who wasnt asked any tech questions. but they
genarly do ask tech as all of my other mates were asked. but they are mostly basic nd based on intermediate physics they
genrally asked favourite subjects nd mostly on projects or training that you would hav done earlier.

HR Interview

mine was mostly HR. 1st question was obviously tell me bout urself. and you need to answer in such a way that you take
the interviewer in your direction. aftr that it was mostly based on my resume. dont write nythng in the resume jest like dat
write apprpriately and do hav a luk at it once b4 u go to the interview.


dont get nervous and ur answer to tell me bout urself does determine the direction of ur interview. ALL THE BEST

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

interview proces was pretty ok. only suggestion would be hav a look at your project once nd prepare ur resume well coz
HR quetion would be based on ur resume atleast for john deere.

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