CpjJwWHV's Interview
748 unique views

Package: 5.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

GPA criteria

shortlisting was done on the basis of gpa criteria...

Technical Interview

As mentioned above, they were asking only the basics related to core. They were testing whether the student have grip in
all the subjects or not.

HR Interview

HR will be very funny. The panel were very friendly. To get rid of the tension you will be having, they will first make u
laugh and feel comfortable with the interview process. No need to worry about the HR. But remember to speak always
truth. They are all experienced, so if you tell anything wrong, they will catch you easily.


For Juniors I would just say, be prepared with the basics and don't get confuse in between, tell the answer confidentially.
No need to go for nightouts, get relax and give interview as if you are discussing with your friends. That's it.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Totally I like the panel who came for taking interview. They were very friendly nature, I felt very comfortable with the
interview process. My interview went for 20 minutes, and I felt like it went for just 5 minutes. As a whole I enjoyed the

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