CpjJwWHV's Interview
1106 unique views

Company: GSPC
Package: 6.4 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

1) which stream do u prefer to take- drilling, production or reservoir?
2) what is well testing and what are its different types?
3) what is productivity test and describe its different methods?
4) what factors affect the difference between well head pressure and bottom hole pressure?
5) how does the variation of pressure and temperature takes place across choke?
6) what is artificial lift? what are its different types?
7) what is PCP?
8) what are different types of pumps and compressors?
9) what is PVT analyis? describe the methods of PVT analysis?
10) which method of PVT analysis is used to get maximum recovery of oil from separators?

HR Interview

1) tell me about yourself?
2) tell me about ur family history?
3) what are ur hobbies?


no shortlisting procedure was employed. direct interview was taken


2, British Gas and ESSAR Oil

technical knowledge is the foremost requirement to clear the interview and dont try to give answer when u havent got the right one. last but not the least, dont ever give a hint to the interviewer that u r very ambitious and u will leave the company or will go for higher education in near future.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

Direct Interview.
20 students applied from B Tech.
5 of them got selected.
my rank was first among the applicants.

Good gpa and robust technical knowledge.

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