CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: ONGC
Package: 9.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Technical Interview

These are the questions asked in first interview(Reservoir Engineering)
1.Why is Faizabad(my hometown) famous?
2.Which is your preferred discipline out of Reservoir,Drilling & Production Engg and why?
3.Where you have done your project and on which topic?
4.What you did in your project?
5.What is Areal,Vertical Sweep efficiency and which factors affect the same?
6.What is water flooding and what is the efficiencies for different water flooding patterns?
7.Which alkali was used in your project at IRS Ahemedabad?
8.Apart from reservoir engg what should we ask you?
9.For high water-cut and low BHP well which Artificial lift technique should be employed?
10.What is torque and how it varies with rotational speed?
11.What is material balance?Can you write material balance equation?
These are the questions asked in the second interview(Drilling & Production)
1.Other than reservoir engg which discipline do you prefer?
2.What you have studied in production engg?
3.What is well workover?Which chemicals are used?
4.What is rigless workover?Where it can be employed?
5.How the level in storage tank is measured?
6.Name the types of flowmeters?
7.How gas flow(volume) is measured?


I have appeared for 4 companies.I will mention the procedure for individual company.

1.BG India
Aptitude test consisting of quantitative & verbal ability.After initial shortlisting technical interviews were done.Finally the selected students were called for GD,Bridge Making etc and HR interview.

2.Cairn Enery India
Written test based on basic technical(Petroleum engg) knowledge.In second stage GDs were done and my group's topic was 'Relevance of Copehegen Summit'.This stage was followed by interview.

3.Essar Oil
Written test consisting of quant,verbal and technical components.Ths shortlisting was followed by group discussion and the topic for GD was 'Energy Security in India'.This was followed by interview.

First Class degree(OGPA>7) was required.However,candidates below 7 OGPA were allowed subject to the conditions of completing degree in first class.Interview was the final selection procedure.
1.Do thorough study of your project.
2.Select a favorite topic of each discipline i.e Reservoir,Production,Drilling and learn everything of it.
3.Be confident and keep a positive attitude.

1.Never lie about yourself.
2.Don't give half-baked answers.
3.Don't be nervous.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

.35 students applied(24-General,7-OBC,4-SC) out of which 28 students were selected.

I think project work and luck worked in my favour.

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