CpjJwWHV's Interview
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Company: ONGC
Package: 9.5 (LPA)
College: 1, 2001
Branch: 1

Pattern of Group Discussion

only personal interview was conducted.

Technical Interview

what exactly done for getting EC for a project?
what proccesses are used to treat industrial waste if it contains a lot of organic load?
what are the species that get extinct in this dhanbad region bcoz of mining?
how will u make an ecosystem in a 2 acre ground?
due to oil spills which species get effected?

HR Interview

why u hv chosen this environmental engg when there was other options available to you?
what are ur fav subjects? mention any two.
suppose if u get selected today then can u work anywhere in india?
total 15 min.


during placement season jst keep patience coz ultimately whatever u will got that will be apt for u. as each company has its own work environment and if u suits to this requirement then only u will got selected. this is the reason that why it happens that the candidates with lower gpa got selected. and secondly frm ur side jst assure that u r good at basic concepts only. be confident. dont rush. dont assume urself that its the only best opportunity. there is no ending.. if u will think so then u will never loose confidence.

No. of Candidate applied And Points that Worked in Favour

only p i was conducted. 11 hv applied n 4 got selected. my rank was 3rd.
good gpa and confidence.

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